Excuse me, today i want to continue the blog that i created and this time i will tell from the picture that i take. LET THE PICTURE TALK -The Miniature of Lanting House The Residence of Malay tribe who has main earnings as Fisherman is built on the river, the under part of the house is given round wood and one of the house side his tied with rope to hold the house so it won't be washed away. This kind of house is generally found in Sambas, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, and Kapuas Hulu district. -Miniatur Rumah Lanting Kediaman suku bangsa Melayu yang bermata pencaharian pokok sebagai nelayan di bangun di atas sungai, pada bagian bawah rumah di beri kayu bulat dan di salah satu sisi rumah di ikatkan tali untuk menahan rumah agar tidak terbawa arus. Jenis rumah ini umumnya terdapat di kabupaten Sambas, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang dan Kapuas Hulu. -The Miniature of Lancang Kuning Boat The Yellow Lancer is a great Pontianak Sultanate that was used by the Sult...