Excuse me, today i want to continue the blog that i created and this time i will tell from the picture that i take.
-The Miniature of Lanting House
The Residence of Malay tribe who has main earnings as Fisherman is built on the river, the under part of the house is given round wood and one of the house side his tied with rope to hold the house so it won't be washed away. This kind of house is generally found in Sambas, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, and Kapuas Hulu district.
-Miniatur Rumah Lanting
Kediaman suku bangsa Melayu yang bermata pencaharian pokok sebagai nelayan di bangun di atas sungai, pada bagian bawah rumah di beri kayu bulat dan di salah satu sisi rumah di ikatkan tali untuk menahan rumah agar tidak terbawa arus. Jenis rumah ini umumnya terdapat di kabupaten Sambas, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang dan Kapuas Hulu.
The Yellow Lancer is a great Pontianak Sultanate that was used by the Sultan and his family at the official sultanate. Miniature Boat Lancang Kuning made of wood Mabang, painted in yellow and green lips part. This boat has 14 oars and 1 rear steering wheel. In the middle of the boat made Geladak or empty space with glass wall. The room on the original Yellow Yellow Boat is used as the symbol of the Sultanate of Pontianak, as well as in the wall of the Boat there is a picture of the Moon and the Star.
Thank you and see you again.
-The Miniature of Lancang Kuning Boat
The Yellow Lancer is a great Pontianak Sultanate that was used by the Sultan and his family at the official sultanate. Miniature Boat Lancang Kuning made of wood Mabang, painted in yellow and green lips part. This boat has 14 oars and 1 rear steering wheel. In the middle of the boat made Geladak or empty space with glass wall. The room on the original Yellow Yellow Boat is used as the symbol of the Sultanate of Pontianak, as well as in the wall of the Boat there is a picture of the Moon and the Star.
-Miniatur Perahu Lancang Kuning
Perahu Lancang Kuning merupakan Perahu kebesaran kesultanan Pontianak yang digunakan oleh Sultan dan keluarganya pada acara resmi kesultanan. Miniatur Perahu Lancang Kuning terbuat dari kayu Mabang, dicat warna kuning dan bagian bibir warna hijau. Perahu ini memiliki 14 dayung dan 1 kemudi bagian belakang. Ditengah perahu dibuat Geladak atau ruang kosong berdinding kaca. Ruangan pada Perahu Lancang Kuning asli digunakan sebagai Lambang Kesultanan Pontianak, begitupun di dinding haluan Perahu terdapat gambar Bulan dan Bintang.
-Frangipani Flower
Frangipani flower found by a French botanist named Charles Plumier, because that's frangipani flower has a Latin name Plumeria. Frangipani flower we used to see only in religious places like cemeteries and other places, but now that has changed. This flower has no connection at all with the Cambodian state because it is originally from Central America which includes Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela and Mexico. Since when its existence in Indonesia until now not known exactly. However, the frangipani flower is thought to have been first brought to Indonesia by the Portuguese and the Dutch, both of which are nations who care about the environment and love the tropics. It is estimated that the original kamboja Indonesia is a white frangipani flower with a yellow inner part where the flower is not fully open and small. Cambodian flowers thrive in the lowlands to a height of 700 meters, but in general these plants can thrive in all places.
-Bunga Kamboja
Bunga Frangipani ditemukan oleh seorang ahli botani Prancis bernama Charles Plumier, karena itu bunga kamboja memiliki nama latin Plumeria. Bunga Frangipani dulu kita lihat di tempat ibadah seperti kuburan dan tempat lainnya, tapi sekarang sudah berubah. Bunga ini sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan negara Kamboja karena berasal dari Amerika Tengah yang meliputi Ekuador, Kolombia, Kuba, Venezuela dan Meksiko. Sejak kapan keberadaannya di Indonesia sampai sekarang belum diketahui secara pasti. Namun, bunga kamboja diperkirakan pertama kali dibawa ke Indonesia oleh Portugis dan Belanda, keduanya adalah negara yang peduli terhadap lingkungan dan menyukai daerah tropis. Diperkirakan bahwa kamboja Indonesia asli adalah bunga kamboja putih dengan bagian dalam berwarna kuning dimana bunga tidak terbuka dan kecil. Bunga Kamboja tumbuh subur di dataran rendah sampai ketinggian 700 meter, namun secara umum tanaman ini bisa berkembang di segala tempat.
-Racing Bike
Bicycle Racing is a term of cycling race on the highway, commonly done at an event where the competing racer departs simultaneously except in the event with a special ability with the winner is the racer who reaches the finish line first from the individual or the team.
-Sepeda Balap
Sepeda Balap adalah istilah dari balapan bersepeda di jalan raya, umumnya dilakukan di sebuah event di mana pembalap yang berkompetisi berangkat secara bersamaan kecuali pada event dengan kemampuan khusus dengan pemenangnya adalah pembalap yang mencapai garis finish pertama kali dari yang individual atau bersama team.
Similarly the picture story that I made this though there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses of the image of the story that made this, hopefully the story of the image that I made this can be useful for the readers.
Thank you and see you again.
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